Free Chapel is the product of God's calling to
"build His people"
in the Alberton area of Gauteng, RSA. God has called us to demonstrate how people who are called by His name should be FOLLOWERS by denying themselves and taking up their cross daily. To this mission we commit ourselves and dedicate this web site to all who seek to find freedom through the gift of salvation found only in our Lord Jesus Christ.
God Bless,
Des and Linda Burrows, Pastors
How do we serve God’s purpose?
Click Here to find outGiving
We encourage to give into the storehouse in accordance with 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Acc Number : 1133250173
Branch Code : 152042
Branch : Meyersdal - Current Account
Explore our exciting list of Internationally Accredited Bible Courses

Counselling 1, Wholeness, Boundaries and Pastoral Counselling.
This course can also be taken for the Pastoral Counselling Certificate.
Service Times
Sundays 09H30
JS Centre,
25 General Alberts Avenue
Randhart, Alberton